Supporting Jackson Christian School

Financial support of Jackson Christian School is critical for the current and long term health and survival for future generations. Gifts are essential to bridge the gap between what we charge for tuition and the actual cost to educate a student. Becoming a donor, at whatever ability you may have, is a refreshing reminder to our students, families and staff of God’s provision and care. These gifts offer a life-changing experience for our students.

Supporting Jackson Christian School

Jackson Christian School is a 501c3 non-profit organization. Gifts are tax deductible and are acknowledged with a tax deductible receipt. Contact the JCS Development Office about making a difference through a gift.

Annual Fund

The Annual Fund bridges the financial gap and therefore plays an important role in annual financial health of the school.

Financial Aid Fund

Gifts to the Financial Aid Fund makes Jackson Christian accessible to Christian families from all socio-economic backgrounds, who meet our admissions requirements. Today JCS is a reflection of the entire Christian community in and around Jackson. All aid is based on need as determined by an independent third - party processor.

Convenient Ways to Give to JCS

Online Giving

One-time or monthly reoccurring gift

Text "GIVE"

Text "GIVE" to (517) 774-0610

Women Who Care

Giving Together

Women Who Care™ Jackson Christian School Chapter

The concept is simple. Women who love JCS meet once each quarter and each give $100 to support a school project selected by the members. WWC meetings are a quick 30-45 minutes. The group considers three school projects and each member casts a vote for one project. The winning project is funded through the $100 contribution of each member.

Attendance at the meetings is not mandatory. Members who cannot attend simply send their $100 gift to the school or Donate Online, designated for the Women Who Care project.

Women Who Care Member Commitment

Legacy Giving

Leaving a Legacy

When we leave this earth we take nothing with us, however we can leave behind a legacy that reminds others of what was important to us. Leaving a gift to JCS through your estate plan can help secure the excellence and continued health of this vital ministry to children and families in Jackson. Most estate gifts are directed to JCS Endowments. Endowments will play a significant role in helping to control tuition costs while allowing the school to continuously improve and provide excellence. For more information, contact the JCS Development Office.

Endowments & Purposes

Faculty, Financial Aid & Family Endowments

FACULTY ENDOWMENT - To assist with retaining and attracting the best Christian educators possible by securing the school’s ability to provide faculty benefits such as health, continuing education and retirement.

FINANCIAL AID ENDOWMENT - Helping to make a JCS education accessible to families who cannot afford the entire cost through needs-based financial aid.

FAMILY ENDOWMENTS - Endowments established by families to fund a designated need. Rebecca Bracy Award Endowment, Marvin and Rose Brandeau Faculty Endowment, Hugh and Alice Howland Financial Aid Endowment.

Our Partnerships

By serving at the Resale Depot as a Jackson Christian School volunteer, JCS benefits financially through remuneration from the Resale Depot.

Jackson Christian School has multiple churches that partnership with us financially through their ministries. We are so thankful for the dedication of these churches in Christian education!

Your Child's education has significant impact.

An education from JCS advances wisdom and equips children to stand firm in their faith.