Daycare & After School Care

Kingdom Kids Daycare and After School Care is provided by Jackson Christian School and licensed by the State of Michigan as a childcare facility. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and creative learning experience in a Christ-centered environment. We believe that the best care for all children should be in a setting that is clean, safe, and educationally stimulating.

Licensed Childcare Facility
Kingdom Kids is licensed by the State of Michigan as a childcare facility. Kingdom Kids accepts DHS payments. A portion of your costs are tax deductible. Consult your tax advisor for complete information.

Our teachers receive training in early childhood education. They are committed to providing activities that are developmentally appropriate to stimulate a love for learning and positive self-esteem. Our teachers demonstrate Christ's love by their sensitivity to each child's emotional, physical, and spiritual needs.

Daycare and After School Care
Daycare and After School Care at Jackson Christian School

Kingdom Kids Afternoon Daycare

Children who are enrolled in Preschool or Begindergarten may experience this "all day" option.

Students who stay the day will enjoy having lunch in our classroom, spending more social time with others, and then having a quiet "rest time." Students rest for a short period of time, and then are able to do quiet activities while their classmates finish sleeping. Center time with crafts, art, story time, recess and snack time complete the afternoon experience.

Parents may choose which days of the week their child will attend daycare, to best meet their family's needs. However, enrollment must be the same days each week. Drop in days may be allowed with prior approval from the Preschool Director if space is available.

Afternoon Daycare: 11:25 – 3:30 PM

  • Registration Fee: $100 per year
  • Tuition: $20 per afternoon
Daycare and After School Care at Jackson Christian School

After School Care

After school care is available for an additional fee for all Jackson Christian Elementary Students.

After School Care: 3:30 – 5:30 PM

  • $5 beyond 3:30
  • $2 additional beyond 4:30
  • $1 per minute beyond 5:30

Your Child's education has significant impact.

An education from JCS advances wisdom and equips children to stand firm in their faith.